
The future of philanthropy: By Fidelity

The future of philanthropy: By Fidelity

The future of philanthropy: The evolution from charitable giving to charitable living,

"As technology, culture, and societal norms evolve, how donors perceive and approach philanthropy also changes."

The power of ‘lean philanthropy’ By: Jennifer Openshaw

The power of ‘lean philanthropy’ By: Jennifer Openshaw

The power of ‘lean philanthropy": If you’ve spent much time in Silicon Valley, you’re likely familiar with the phrase “lean startup.”

It’s the idea of producing less waste and focusing more on innovation to meet a need. Driven by a desire to more directly impact the lives of those in need, donors are creating a new model of giving in the form of lean philanthropy by doing away with the bureaucracy and detailed application process of giving.

$68 trillion is about to change hands in the US

$68 trillion is about to change hands in the US

The biggest wealth transfer in history is about to happen — and it's now expected to be more than double what many thought it was. It's estimated that 45 million U.S. households will transfer $68 trillion in wealth over the next 25 years, according to Asher Cheses, a research analyst and lead author of a new report from financial services research firm Cerulli Associates…